Here are experts from recent interivews of Kang Dong Won where he has mentioned Kyo.
- 현재 송혜교와 옴니버스 영화 촬영 중이다.
Presently you are shooting an omnibus film with Song Hye Kyo.
▲선배님들한테 잘 배운 것으로 혜교씨랑도 잘 지내고 있다. 어색하면 안 되는 장르라서 친하게 지내려고 하고 있다. 부산에서 100% 촬영을 한다. 촬영장에 있는 것이 제일 행복한 것 같다.
▲ Song Hye Kyo and I are doing well as we are being taught well by the seniors. This is a genre that would not work if you are awkard or self-concious, so we agreed to have a close relationship. We are filming 100% in Busan. It seems that I'm happiest on the set.
-요즘은 송혜교와 영화를 찍고 있다고 들었다. 예쁘던가.
These days I hear that you are shooting a film with Song Hye Kyo.
▲너무 예쁘더라. 나도 남자인데 예쁜 여자를 보면 감탄한다. 송혜교를 이번 영화에서 완전히 처음 봤다. 어디서 스쳐 지나간 인연도 없다. 그래서 첫 촬영 때 어색했다. 그래도 멜로 영화인데 친해지려고 노력하고 있다. 나는 여자를 볼 때 패션을 많이 보는 것 같다. 길거리에서도 아방가르드 한 스타일의 옷을 입은 여자가 지나가면 한참을 쳐다본다.
She is overly beautiful. I am also a man, so when I see a pretty woman, I am moved with admiration. With this movie, it's the first time that I'm seeing Song Hye Kyo entirely in person. There has never been a time where I brushed by her. So, when we first started filming, it was awkard. Nevertheless, since this is a mellow film, we are making every effort in being close. When I see a woman, I seem to notice her fashion the most. If a woman is passing by wearing earrings and an avant-garde clothing style, I will stare at her for a good while.
-벌써 혜교라고 부르나.You are already calling her "Hye Kyo."
-벌써 혜교라고 부르나.You are already calling her "Hye Kyo."
▶그러기로 했다. 왜냐하면 혜교랑 친해져야 하는 장면이 많으니깐. 그래서 바로 말을 놓자고 했다. 혜교도 이상한 놈이라는 이야기를 들었던 터라 걱정했다더라. 이상한 놈인줄 알았는데 사람 같아 보여 다행이다라는 느낌이었다.(웃음) 무엇보다 '전우치'가 손익분기점을 넘고 '의형제'를 좋아해주시니 지금 작업에 훨씬 열중할 수 있을 것 같다.
We decided to do so. Since Hye Kyo and I have many intimate scenes together, we immediately decided to lower our level of speech. Hye Kyo said she heard that I was a strange kind of man and she had some worries. She was expecting me to be a strange guy, so she felt relieved that I was like a real person. (laughs). More than anything else, Jeonwoochi is a break-even project that went past the limit, Brother/The Secret Reunion is receiving compliments, and now, it seems that I am able to put my heart and soul into this work.
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